Hopefully, this message will be uplifting for all of you in these challenging times
From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Michaelis Foundation has expanded its educational virtual programs in response to the original and continually evolving demands for more remote online activities for children and families across the globe. The Michaelis Foundation has already produced one online virtual conference with 150+ participants and prepared two hands on activities for 3,500 kids. We are committed to sharing our expertise, energy, and programs to address the issues of the global social isolation by nurturing adaptability and providing quality Space & STEAM education activities to support individual resiliency. Together with our global partners, we have been able to use our skills, creativity, and ingenuity to collectively solve educational challenges. All the best, The Michaelis Foundation Team
Michaelis in actionWe work with partner organizations worldwide to tackle critical challenges in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Archives
November 2024
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